Looking to Sharpen Your Academic Skills?

Do you ever lose track of time? Do you sit down to do your work and two hours later realize you have been on Facebook/Twitter/YouTube/Instagram/Netflix without even opening a book? Did you study for an hour or less just before an exam in high school and manage A’s? Are your current courses at Northeastern structured differently than they were in your home country? Are you trying to figure out how to manage your time while balancing academics and a co-op search?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then academic skills advising is for you!

During an Academic Skills Advising appointment, you’ll get to meet with a professional staff member, discuss your academic journey, and build on your strengths. You’ll develop a personalized plan for your academic success and leave with tangible strategies to use moving forward. We believe there’s always room to grow academically and encourage you to be proactive about developing good habits – schedule an appointment today!

Common discussion topics in these appointments are: time management (surrounding academics and co-op), organization, study skills, cultural adjustment, exam techniques, homesickness, stress and anxiety.

Click here to schedule an Academic Skills Advising appointment.