Global Student Success and the International Tutoring Center are dedicated to providing international and multilingual students, scholars, faculty, and staff with comprehensive English language and academic support. Sessions are offered in a one-on-one format in Boston and online. Group conversation tutorials are also available.

Tutoring sessions are student-centered, meaning students can specify the type of help they’re looking for when booking an appointment. They can then choose a professional tutor who specializes in their area of need.



International Tutoring Center is now using Penji, for scheduling and managing tutoring sessions and course workshops. We will no longer be using WC Online in 2025.

Creating an Account on Penji

Booking Appointments 

  • Chose “Learn” click next. 
  • Chose “Schedule a 50 minute appointment” or “Join a Group session”. 
  • Select a time on the schedule and choose a tutor from the available options. 
  • Tutors can help you with:
    • Conversation, including pronunciation
    • Career preparation, including cover letters, resumes, and mock interviews
    • Presentation skills, including slides and timing
    • Reading
    • Writing, including planning, organization, grammar, and citations

Tutoring Locations

Tutoring is available online for all students or in person on the Boston campus in 175 Richards Hall.


Current students can make two appointments per week up to two weeks in advance. Each appointment is 50 minutes.

If you cannot attend your appointment, please cancel it no later than four hours in advance. If you do not cancel your appointment or arrive or log in more than 15 minutes late to your appointment, you will be considered a no-show. Users who accumulate three or more no-shows and/or excessive cancellations will have their accounts deactivated. Continued use of ITC services will be reinstated by GSS on an individual basis.

Tutorials are student-centered, so you’ll be expected to play an active role in the tutorial with an active video camera and microphone for online sessions.

How to Prepare

Arrive or log in to a tutorial with a clear goal in mind. Ask yourself, what do I want to ask the tutor? What aspect of my English do I hope to improve? If you are working on an assignment, upload all related materials, including assignment guidelines, readings, and instructor feedback.

If you are seeking conversational practice, consider topics you’d like to discuss.

Finally, make sure to arrive or log in on time and remember your Husky ID card and a pen or pencil to take notes.

Group Conversation Tutorials

ITC provides online group conversation tutorials. These tutorials will provide you the opportunity to practice your conversation skills with a professional tutor and two other students while speaking about higher-level topics in English. These tutorials last for 50 minutes.

How to Make the Most of Group Tutorials

These tutorials help students improve their proficiency in discussing topics such as current events, the global economy, and North American culture. These skills will allow students to improve their spoken English proficiency, as well as discussion skills for inside the classroom.

In order to make the most of your tutorial, please upload materials or topics to discuss.


We have listed some frequently asked questions about our tutoring system, Penji.

How to cancel an appointment on Penji