Global Student Success and the International Tutoring Center are dedicated to providing international and multilingual students, scholars, faculty, and staff with comprehensive English language and academic support. Sessions are offered in a one-on-one format in Boston and online. Group conversation tutorials are also available.
Tutoring sessions are student-centered, meaning students can specify the type of help they’re looking for when booking an appointment. They can then choose a professional tutor who specializes in their area of need.
Creating an Account
- To create an account, click here.
- Click on “register for new account” and fill out the form, using your Northeastern email address.
- Then, check your Northeastern email for a link to validate your new account.
- Click the activation link in your email to activate your account.
- Next, click here, and enter your email address and password to log-in.
Booking Appointments
- Once your account has been created, to sign up for an appointment and view specific times and availability, click here.
- NOTE: In person appointments are located in 175 Richards Hall on the Boston campus.
- Meet with a tutor for 50-minute appointments.
- Tutors can help you with:
- Conversation, including pronunciation
- Career preparation, including cover letters, resumes, and mock interviews
- Presentation skills, including slides and timing
- Reading
- TOEFL preparation
- Writing, including planning, organization, grammar, and citations